Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Book Review : The Merciless by Danielle Vega

(SPOILER FREE... well mostly, but I warn you before I say ANYTHING remotely spoilery.)

Sheesh. Guys I'm going to be honest, I am a little tongue tied here. I have thoughts... and opinions... So bare with me while I try to pin them down. 

Things you need to know about me before you read this book review: 
- I am a Christian. This plays a big part in how I feel about this book. 
- I was tentative to read this book from the start because of the huge pentagram/pentacle on the cover, but I figured I would forge ahead. I knew the book was about "an exorcism gone wrong" & I thought eh, I've watched movies like that before and it was fine.  

This was not fine. . . And I have two major reasons why. Two reasons why this story terrified me. But we'll get to that later. 

I'm going to post the summary from Goodreads because I want you to know exactly what I knew going in.

"Brooklyn Stevens sits in a pool of her own blood, tied up and gagged. No one outside of these dank basement walls knows she’s here. No one can hear her scream.
 Sofia Flores knows she shouldn’t have gotten involved. When she befriended Riley, Grace, and Alexis on her first day at school, she admired them, with their perfect hair and their good-girl ways. They said they wanted to save Brooklyn. They wanted to help her. Sofia didn’t realize they believed Brooklyn was possessed. Now, Riley and the girls are performing an exorcism on Brooklyn—but their idea of an exorcism is closer to torture than salvation. All Sofia wants is to get out of this house. But there is no way out. Sofia can’t go against the other girls . . . unless she wants to be next. . . . In this chilling debut, Danielle Vega delivers blood-curdling suspense and terror on every page. By the shockingly twisted end, readers will be faced with the most haunting question of all: Is there evil in all of us?" - Goodreads Summary

With that brief summary in mind, plus hearing all the buzz around BookTube, my interest was peaked. I knew there was a chance it would step on my toes a bit and might make me feel defensive about my Faith at times, but I thought it would be good to be able to post a review coming from a Christian POV. That is what I now shall attempt to do. 

First off, let me give you my over all opinions.

The first 150ish pages was really dull to me. It was easy to read and the writing was fine, but nothing too interesting was happening. Well, that's kind of not true. Interesting stuff was happening, but most of it just made me roll my eyes. The first road block I struggled with was making the choice to suspend reality and not try and make what I was reading fit in to "real life." Pretty quickly after starting this book I had a hard time believing these high school girls would do the things they were doing or act the way they were acting. So, after reading about 100 pages I put the book down for a few days and thought about what I had read. At this point we've met Sofia's new gang of popular girlfriends and discovered that they are psychotic Christians. We've also met Brooklyn, enemy of said popular girls and a definite wild child. 
Road block number two: I do not enjoy reading about characters who call themselves Christians & use that title to hurt and/or abuse others. However, just because I don't enjoy reading about it, doesn't mean that's not realistic. And this brings us to reason number one why this book terrified me: 

The thought of someone using Christianity (the Faith I put my whole life into, the faith I believe brings hope, joy, love, peace, & unending grace) as a brutal pedestal to stand on &/or a reason to hurt someone in any way absolutely scares me to my core. 

Needless to say, I was uneasy as I picked the book back up last night. My intentions were to read a few chapters before bed. It was already midnight, but I was wanting to finish the book asap & move on to something a little more happy-go-lucky. However, "a few chapters" turned into the rest of the book and midnight gave-way to 2 A.M. 

Let's talk about the second half of the story. 

At about page 155 or something, there was a shift. Something happened in the book which made me believe that I no longer knew where the story was going or what was lurking behind each page. Any boredom I had been experiencing evaporated quickly. The last 100ish pages were just as suspenseful and gruesome as the hype made it out to be. I tore through them as I lay next to my sleeping husband with only my little book light for company and safety. (I won't lie, I definitely looked over my should once or twice to see if anything was creeping up behind me. So silly, I know. But hey! I was reading a horror novel in the middle of the night in the dark! Give me a break.) 

I reached the abrupt (and yes, unsatisfactory) ending, shut the book, and lay there pretty terrified for about an hour trying to collect my thoughts. Which are still, even 14 hours later, jumbled. The ending was very rushed and quick and left me saying "wait, what?" But now I know this is the first book in an upcoming series and that is probably why the ending was a bit of a cliffhanger. Frankly, If the author would have slowed down the last 10 pages and put in a little bit more detail to the end, this book could totally be a stand alone. I'm pretty positive I will not be continuing on with this series. I have no idea what could happen next. It feels like it was written as a stand alone novel and anything afterwards would just be weird bonus content or maybe a novella. The storyline is basically over at the end, leaving the reader not to wonder what happens next but to wonder why it happened.  

Even now, I am not sure what I would rate this book or if I would recommend it. The characters are very, very shallow and have no depth, plus there were some plot holes (maybe they'll be resolved later in the series). However the story was definitely scary, as promised. So maybe it has succeeded at being what it's claiming to be? I haven't read many horror novels, but if I think about horror movies, they usually aren't filled to the brim with deep characters the viewer can relate with or attach to. It's all about the story. The last 100ish pages of this book is a thrill ride for sure. 
Here's what I have decided my recommendation is: Don't buy this book. It's not worth the money. But if you're intrigued, either borrow it from someone or check it out from the library. Be warned: It's gruesome, gory, foul (in many way) & twisted. For mature audiences only. Proceed with caution.
Also, there's one big thing I still want to talk about and it is the reason I have an issue fully recommending the book... but it is spoilery. So if you're not going to read it or you don't care, you can read on but, if you ARE wanting to read the book and you're hesitant of even vague spoilers, then BYE. Thanks for reading & let me know what you think of the book when you've finished it! 

*Spoilery Section*

The second reason this book terrified me was the demonic aspect. Satan, demons, etc. freak me the heck out because I believe they exist. I believe in Hell & it's inhabitants and HOLY CRAP I DON'T LIKE IT. I believe they can consume someone and control them, like in this story. Reading about it, watching it, whatever- I don't like to dabble in that at all. Had I known the book was going to go there from the start, I don't think I would have read it. (Yes the upside down star on the cover was a hint, but that symbol can stand for other things too. I was thinking it was going to go in more of a witchcraft way.) I don't like to invite that stuff into my mind. It opens a door of fear that I have to work really hard to close it and lock it back up again. If this stuff doesn't bother you at all, you may not find this book scary to be honest. The gore didn't bother me. The suspenseful parts really didn't get my heart rate up. But demons??? NO THANKS. 

Whew. With all that said, I'm ok with not thinking about this book anymore. Frankly, I don't want it in my house. lol. If you dare to read this book or have already read it, please leave me a comment letting me know what you think. I'd love to know the opinions of other Christians as well as nonbelievers. I definitely think this book will affect different types of people in different ways. 

Hoping this review made sense, 


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Top 5 Summertime Reads

Poor a glass of lemonade & turn on the A.C. 
Summer has arrived.

Personally I am a way bigger fan of Autumn and actually get burnt out on Summer pretty quickly into the season. The air gets so heavy & thick at times, even breathing becomes a chore. Kentucky Summers can be brutal, y'all. Thankfully I can still do my favorite activity (reading, of course) without breaking too much of a sweat. And I'll admit, there is something very nice about reading whilst relaxing poolside. I imagine it's also lovely to read on the beach during Summer, but sadly I live here. Surrounded by land. (Definitely must change that ASAP.) 
Getting back to the point, Summer's most redeemable quality for me is the type of book it brings along with it: The Summertime Contemporary. These books are generally set during the Summer, in a summery town, with Summer-ish activities going on, & Summer romances blooming all around. I love these kind of stories & they make the heat filled months way more bearable. 

With that said, I shall now recommend to you my Top 5 Summertime Reads. Some of these books I have read recently and some I have reread many times over the years. Each one radiates summertime & goes oh-so-well with sunglasses & sunshine. They're perfect for summer vacations or trips to the pool. They're also perfect for sitting in your air-conditioned house while the sun beats down on those poor fools who remain outside. 

Whatever the case may be, these books are sure to provide you with hours of entertainment all Summer long. 


Coming in at number 5 on my list is The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. To be honest, I read this one so long ago that I can't remember much about it. I just remember that I LOVED it. The main character, Ronnie, leaves her city life to spend a summer with her father in North Carolina (at his beach house obviously, I mean look at the beachy goodness all over the cover of this book). Ronnie & her father have had a troubled relationship for the past 3 years, since her parent's divorce. As the Summer unfolds she learns more about her father, herself, and even experiences the bittersweet taste of first love. 
The Last Song is an absolutely beautiful story that will yank on your heart strings big time. I love how the summary on Goodreads puts it: "The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story about love in its myriad forms - first love, the love between parents and children - that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that deeply relationships can break our hearts... and heal them."
Well, I think I just convinced myself to reread this book asap. Care to join me??


Number 4 on my list is Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson. This book is Morgan Matson's most recently published work of art. (Published May 6th, 2014). The day it hit stores I ran right out and gobbled it up. I was so eager for this book because Matson is currently my favorite author of contemporary YA novels. She is a master at her craft & I love her work so, so much. 
Since You've Been Gone's main character, Emily, is an introverted, meek, quiet girl. But her best friend, Sloane, is exactly the opposite: outgoing, loud, & very, very bold. As long as Sloane is by her side, Emily feeds off her confidence & tags along on her many adventures. But as soon as Summer begins, Sloane & her family disappear leaving a confused and hurt Emily in a daze of unanswered questions. As she tries to figure out why Sloane would have abandoned her without a word, she receives a bizarre to-do list in the mail... From Sloane. The list is packed with wild & scary tasks Emily would never dream of doing. But what if it will lead her to Sloane? 
I adore the way Morgan Matson can write a sweet summertime contemporary but yet it's not just a fluffy piece of cake you enjoy & then forget about. Her stories are always overflowing with depth & beautiful self-growth. Since You've Been Gone is a fantastic summer read that will teach you about self-confidence & friendship, while showing you how to pull off some pretty uncomfortable dares along the way. 
PS: This cover is so fun! And there's even an awesome poster on the inside of the dust jacket! *Bonus Points*


We are down to the Top 3! I am excited to tell you about this next one. Third on the list is actually a whole trilogy. These three books radiate summertime page after glorious page. The Summer Series by Jenny Han starts with The Summer I Turned Pretty, followed by It's Not Summer Without Youand concludes with We'll Always Have Summer
The series begins when "Belly" (short for Isabel) is about 16. Every Summer since she can remember, Belly & her mom have spent summers at the beach house they share with her mom's best friend, Suzannah, and her two sons, Conrad & Jeremiah. But this Summer is different. Belly is no longer a little girl & everyone can't help but notice. She's always had a huge crush on Conrad & this Summer it finally seems like he may be feeling the same way... along with his brother, Jeremiah. 
I flew through this series. I seriously could not put it down. I read all three books in less than two weeks. (And I would have finished faster if I didn't have to do mundane things like sleep or eat or go to work.) I kicked off my Summer this year with these books & they could not have been a more perfect choice. Not only did I feel like I was at the beach the whole time I was reading them, but the story was awesome. The first one is a bit light & fluffy, but the second and third deal with much tougher issues. I fell in love with the characters & the environment their story takes place in. My only complaint is that there wasn't more! I would kill for a fourth book to this series! Pleeeeease, Jenny Han, Pleeeeeeease????


Second from the top is my absolute favorite contemporary novel to date. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson is... well, epic! As I have previously mentioned (see #4) Morgan Matson can do no wrong in my book. Her talent at writing a fantastic, fun contemporary tale that drives home a deep, thought-provoking message is flawless. And in my opinion, Amy & Roger's Epic Detour is her best work yet.
In this summertime story, Amy's mother has moved across the country and left Amy with the task of driving the car from California to Connecticut. However, Amy hasn't been behind the wheel since her father died in a car accident a few months prior. This is where Roger comes in. Roger, an old family friend also needing to make the long journey, offers to drive with Amy. Her mother has laid out a meticulous map of the road trip they are to take... but sometimes going your own way is better than following the rules. 
I can't say enough good things about this book. The characters are so genuine & realistic. To experience this cross country trip with them is a joy. Morgan Matson took this road trip to do research for the book so you'll find actual pictures & mementos throughout the pages, making the journey even more real for the reader. Fantastic playlists are included too!
PS: On Morgan Matson's website (Click Here) there is a link that enables you to listen to said playlists for free! *Bonus Points*


I love all of the books on this list & think each one is perfect for summer. But, The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants series (by Ann Brashares) I have loved the longest. I started reading this series in my early teenage years and have reread it many, many times. At first, I reread each book to prepare for the newest book in the series to be released. Now,  I reread them because I simply love the story they tell. (The look of my blog is actually based on the font of the title of these books!)
The first book, The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants, introduces us to the four main characters as they begin the summer of their sixteenth year. Lena, Tibby, Carmen, & Bridget have been best friends their entire lives and this summer is the first summer they'll ever spend apart. Right before departing for their different adventures, they stumble upon a pair of pants. The Traveling Pants: A magical pair of blue jeans that happens to fit four differently-shaped girls perfectly. The girls cling to the pants as a symbol of their sisterhood. They vow to rotate wearing them for the summer and document what magical events take place while wearing them. 
Now, I'm not naive. I know the premise of this series sounds a bit silly (especially if you're over the age of 16). But I promise you this series is about SO much more then a pair of pants. As soon as you start reading them you quickly discover (along with the main characters) that these summers are about so much more than a pair of reality-defying pants. Over the course of four summers, the girls grow into young women & experience life at its best and life at its hardest. I absolutely adore these characters & their stories. Every book is loaded with emotional life lessons, taking the reader from tears to laughter as each chapter passes. I reread this series every couple of years and each time it feels like I'm coming home in a literary way. I am currently listening to the audiobook versions for the first time and would highly recommend them, as the narrators capture the tone perfectly.  I would genuinely love to hear the opinion of someone reading these books for the first time at an older age. I never know if they resonate so much with me because I started them when I was young. So, if that you- leave me a comment letting me know! 
PS: If you've watched the movie versions, just know the books are different. The second movie is a collaboration of the last three books. Also, there is a fifth book to this series. Sisterhood Everlasting takes place many years after the fourth book and picks up with the girls as adults... and I hate it. It's very dark and heavy and honestly not enjoyable at all. (In my opinion of course.) I don't find it necessary and never plan on reading it along with the series again. 

Alright! Those are my Top 5 Summertime Reads! I hope you'll check them out. Please let me know if you do! I'd love to know you're thoughts and if they enhanced your Summer at all. Also, let me know what your favorite Summer reads are. I am always looking for new suggestions & would love to add more books to my never ending TBR list :)

Happy Summer reading!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Book Review : Obsidian & Onyx (the first 2 books in the Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout)


I just finished up reading the first two books (Obsidian & Onyx) in the Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I picked up Obsidian from the library & shortly after starting it I realized I wanted to marathon the whole series. I was ecstatic to discover that a new beautiful bind up of the first two books had just been published. (Lux Beginnings - pictured above.) 

I sensed it was ready & waiting for me at the nearest Target. I ran in and sure enough Lux Beginnings was smiling up at me from it's spot on the shelf. Score! (Isn't it so pretty? It sparkles!)

Obsidian is the kick-off to the series & therefore does a lot of world/character building. We meet the main character, Katy, who I am a big fan of. She has some frustrating moments, but overall I find her funny & realistic. Also she is a book blogger! (Nice touch, Ms. Armentrout). 
(In Obsidian) Katy has just moved into a new house, in a new town, in a new state. West Virginia promises to be boring as all get out until she spies her new super hott neighbor: Daemon Black. But once Katy gets the chance to talk to Daemon she quickly discovers he's a pretty big turd. He's arrogant, rude, & drives her nuts. Shortly after she decides his good looks do NOT out weigh his bad personality, Daemon supernaturally rescues Katy from a stranger's deadly attack... & marks her. 

What does that mean, you ask? Well, when an alien saves a human it leaves a mark that makes the human glow in the eyes of other aliens... YEP. Aliens
Daemon and his siblings are aliens & there's a whole galaxy's worth of enemies wanting to kill them and steal their strong, admirable powers. In order to stay alive, Katy now has to stick close to Daemon. And while he isn't hard on the eyes, Daemon's dark & dreadful personality makes Katy wonder if running to the enemy might be the lesser of two evils. 

As for Onyx, I can't really give you a summary without spoiling anything. Basically it continues the story by growing the relationships and adding in new complications/new enemies. 

Warning: This series is highly addicting. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY. I have read better books for sure, but I just couldn't put this book (or Onyx) down. This makes it kind of hard to review. It's not life changing or deep, but it's pretty fun. I did do a lot of eye rolling at the cheesiness and had many frustrations with the first half of Obsidian. It's annoying that the reader is made aware on the back of the book that Katy moves next door to aliens, but Katy doesn't find out until halfway through the book! So you endure 150 pages of Katy questioning everything. 
"Why are they weird?"
"Why do they treat me this way?" 
"Something is up..."

 You just want to scream at her: 

However, as soon as everything is out in the open the book really picks up. Thankfully you don't have to deal with that at all in Onyx. Once I was able to let go & just enjoy the story for what it was, I was consumed. (So far) this series hits my guilty pleasure bone hard and I'm eating it up.  In my opinion, there is a Twilight-ish feel going on. (Substitute Aliens for vampires.) Girl gets involved with other species - chaos & drama ensues. Yes they are different but, I think if you enjoyed Twilight you should check out this series. 
I definitely do have some issues with these first two books. The roller coaster style relationships get a bit tedious & most of the plot "twists" are pretty predictable. Like I said before, I was rolling my eyes at many points throughout. It just gets so cheesy sometimes. Also, some of the super-cheesy lines are repeated over and over and OVER. That drove me a little crazy. 
All that aside, these two books were definitely fun, fast, & highly addictive reads. I am looking forward to continuing on with the series. I'm actually pretty devastated because I went to THREE different bookstores today looking for the next book (Opal) and came up empty handed. I ended up having to order it. So now I have to wait. Lame. 
I'm dying to know how the romance - er, I mean story - continues. 

My rating for these first two books: 

 I've heard the writing improves as the series continues. We'll see. 

Stay Tuned! 

~ Jes

Friday, June 13, 2014

Jessi Richter: Wife. Nanny. Blogger?

Holy Moly I started a blog. 


 I now have my very own space on the World Wide Web to speak about my many magnificent adventures! Um, well maybe just my boring life plus a few adventures. And yes, most of said adventures have taken place within the pages of a book, but Hey! That is okay! 

Okay? Okay. 
(Yes, I just made a TFIOS reference. Moving on...)

Let's talk about why I have claimed this small portion of internet real estate 
& what I plan to do with it. 

  • I love talking with people about what I'm reading! I love hearing about what others are reading too. Books are one of my many passions & it's so cool to be in community with others who share the same passions. So, first goal: To talk about BOOKS. 
  • I forget things. I forget what I've read, watched, experienced, etc. The details become so fuzzy if I don't document them. Hence the need for documentation blogging. Second goal: Document the details. 
  • I tried (briefly) to see if I preferred vlogging (video blogging) over blogging & quickly realized: HECK NO. (There are a few videos up on YouTube proving that awkward endeavor did indeed happen.) That world is not for me. Don't get me wrong, I love watching other BookTubers & I check out their vlogs regularly, but that's where it ends. I just felt like I wasn't able to be myself because I was too worried about being like other "popular" BookTubers. I was spending too much time self-analyzing & worrying if people would enjoy my videos. It wasn't a pleasant experience. And this is supposed to be fun, right? Plus, I can work with words wayyy more effectively then I can work with filming/editing equipment. Blek. Vlogging was a failure, but I can already tell blogging is the way to go for me. Third goal: Be Yourself. I'm blogging for myself & if others happen to read or enjoy it ~ Awesome :)
Ok, now let's discuss what you can expect to find on this here blog. 

Pretty much anything book related. Like...

  • Updates about what I'm currently reading & how I'm feeling about it.
  • What I want to be reading in the future. (I'm hoping to post my TBR list at the beginning of each month. TBR = To Be Read)
  • Book Reviews 
  • Monthly Wrap-Ups (These will be posted at the end of each month & will contain short reviews about each book I read within that month, which was my favorite, which was my least favorite, etc.) 
  • Anything else book-related I can come up with as I go 
  • I'm sure I will post about my personal life a bit too. Who knows what that will end up looking like :) 

 And that's about all I can think of at the moment! If you are a blogger and you have any advice, please share! Or if you just stopped by & read this- say hi!
 I'm excited. This feels good. This feels right.